
Here I am...A Taiwanese male who stayed in Utrecht, the Nederlands and studies a heavy MBA programme before...Now I moved back to Taipei, Taiwan (maybe it's temporary) but still miss the enjoyable things in Europe and seek for more fun...:)

My Photo
Location: SHENZHEN, TAIPEI, Netherlands

I am a causal man from Taiwan. Worked in different business area for past few years: logestic, Trading,and Clothing. Not I wanted to but because people's requires. I like traveling, specially the lake in mountain and the beach. It is a good thing to make the live always so popular. However, sometimes being along is also not a bad thing. Keep changing myself to chase the world's pace. I don't have any ambitious. I just want to be a "Better Man"!!

Monday, July 10, 2006











不是 生與死的距離 而是 我站在你面前 你不知道我愛你

不是 我站在你面前 你不知道我愛你 而是 愛到癡迷 卻不能說我愛你

不是 我不能說我愛你 而是 想你痛徹心脾 卻只能深埋心底

不是 我不能說我想你 而是 彼此相愛 卻不能夠在一起

不是彼此相愛 卻不能夠在一起 而是 明知道真愛無敵 卻裝作毫不在意

不是 樹與樹的距離 而是 同根生長的樹枝 卻無法在風中相依

不是 樹枝無法相依而是 相互了望的星星 卻沒有交匯的軌跡

不是 星星之間的軌跡 而是 縱然軌跡交匯 卻在轉瞬間無處尋覓

不是 瞬間便無處尋覓 而是 尚未相遇便注定無法相聚

是魚與飛鳥的距離 一個在天 一個卻深潛海底


我要寫的就是遙望。無言的遙望,無望的遙望,不能分說的遙望,不可明言的遙望。 我用了「夢裡不吱聲食客」的筆名,在文學城的那個論壇貼出來;窗外雨潺潺,一直下到心裡去。然後我便離開了,一時的意興,自無必要留連,也沒有心思進一步關注。想不到的是,它後來廣為流播,遍及全球華人網站,被無數的人轉貼、傳抄,也出現在許多人的主頁之上,更被人拿來朗誦以至刷屏。我原意將這詩當個藥引,無意中它卻成為酒媒,在網絡的潮濕空氣中盡情發酵,長成牽枝連蔓的孢子;閒來無事用Google查詢,竟是鋪天蓋地,一概托名於泰戈爾。我自己也不竟恍惚,突然間頷下好似白髯飄飄,摸一把,才醒悟只有五柳長鬚,並不像那南亞老頭那麼密密匝匝。







Something you can not control

There are something you will never can control...
Feeling is one of the most...
Once you feel something, it is hard to change your mind again..

There is one sentence came into my mind this morning~
"You are not always the one; and the one will not be always the one."
I don't know why I had this thought...
However, it is quite fit with my feeling this moment~

Most of my friends know, I haven't had feeling to ask any girl to be my girlfriend for almost 5 years...
Or you can say I haven't date a girl seriously at all in the past 5 years.
My friends told me: "It is kind of sick for you not have a girlfriend at all for 5 years."
I told them this: "To date a girl is easy but to find a girl you really want is hard."
They said I am too "picky"!! Which is not the truth...
I just don't like to date a girl that I even don't want to know her...
It's not about pretty or not...It's all about the feeling~

Of course I want to date a girl or even find a girlfriend soon...
But things don't work like that..
Besides, I almost forgot how to date a girl or ask a girl to be my girlfriend already....=.="

Few months ago, I met a friend concidentally.
There was girl there with them...
My first impression about her is that she is different.
Different from other Taiwanese girls I met before.
Full of confident for herself and wouldn't heistate to show her dance.
I was abit surprise that I could meet such kind of girl in Taiwan.
So I paid abit attention on her. She was nice that night...
And that's it...Nothing happend anyway..^^..

This month, I had my first birthday party since I came back to Taiwan!
(I came back only 5 months more anyway..@@)
Lots friends appeared...I had a really good time!!
The girl I mentioned also came to my party...
Again~She was nice that night and also enjoyed the music with the party atmosphere!!
It is so hard to see girl with the personalities of independent and generous in Taiwan.
That makes me curious about her and decide that I want to know her more~

.........Abit long so lets say "TO BE CONTINUED".............

Friday, July 07, 2006

I am back

I am back...
Back to Taiwan from Holland...
Back to my blog "Amazing!!TMC180"..
Cause of my lazy it's been already 7 months I didn't update anything at all here..
Every time I log in and try to write something but just not in the mood...

Things really change a lot after these days...
I moved back to Taipei and live with my parents for like 5 months already...
Left my second home town "Utrecht"...
It seems like my life is going to be the same before I went to Europe...
Working like hell and boring social life again...
Well, I will try to avoid this happen again.

Most people who live in Asia are taking work or study as a priority thing.
They can sacrifice anything except family to work like hell.
I was one of them before; but I am different now.
(Well, hard to say if I will be one of them again)
The days in Europe I felt like I found myself....The real me.
I realise life has other things more important than hard working.
You need to know what you want to do and what you do care.
Like myself, when I was in Europe (mostly in Utrecht, Nederlands)
I did both work and study for almost 2 years.
However, if I ask myself, what is the most valuable thing I learn during this period of time.
I will tell you it's not about the degree, not about the chance to live abroad, not even about the new knowledge from the study.
What I think the most valuable thing is to meet and have such lot of good friend from many countries.
We live together, have fun together, study or work together.
I learn to face my own feeling..and how to well organise the life...
Balance between work/study and live.
Finally I got the point...There are still many beautiful things you need to explore and enjoy.
Life is already hard enough...All you need to do is give yourself some space and schedule the thing well.Then everything round you will be better and more colourful.

Cheers for all my friends!